WhosOn Data is a new power feature that completely remodels the way you can access, analyse, and export your chat data. It has two components:
- • A dedicated web portal to home your data
- • An OData API for custom reports and third-party integrations
So, what does each component look like up close?
Part 1: The WhosOn Data portal
All your data is now pulled into one place: the WhosOn Data portal. The portal is a digital admin area providing a new and improved front-end for your data.
So, your charts, reports, and agent stats are all accessible via one central hub. As well as this ease of access, the portal allows you to view and manipulate your data in more useful ways.
And better still, WhosOn Data enables faster querying and reporting than ever before possible. It’s the slickest, smartest way to work with your chat data yet.
Inside the WhosOn Data portal: login page
To explore the WhosOn Data portal, launch your browser of choice and enter your chat server URL followed by /data. (I.e. https://hosted1.whoson.com/data). You’ll then be able to sign in using your existing WhosOn account details.
Please note that only users with the necessary permissions – admins, managers, etc. – will be able to access the WhosOn Data portal.

Inside the WhosOn Data portal: chat sessions
The first area you’ll see once logged into the WhosOn Data hub is “Chat Sessions”. Here, you can access all your chat sessions – taken and missed – from a single destination.

- • Search for chats using keywords, such as specific names, products, or emotive language
- • Filter chats based on site, operator, skill group, rating, or sentiment score
- • Apply date ranges to pull chat sessions from specific time periods only
- • Click on any session to view chat details and read full transcripts
- • Export transcripts as JSON files or other structured data formats
Inside the WhosOn Data portal: visitor list
Next inside WhosOn Data is your “Visitor List” tab. This holds a comprehensive list of your website visitors, along with detailed breakdowns of their data profiles and online journeys.

- • Use a keyword search to pull visitors based on factors such as referrer, entry page, or location
- • Filter your visitors via site and type (i.e. prospect, customer, return visitor, etc.)
- • Apply a date selector to fine-tune your visitor results
- • Expand records to view full visitor profiles, including their data, viewed pages, previous visits, and chats
- • Export your visitor lists as CSV, TXT or XLSX files
Inside the WhosOn Data portal: reports
The “Reports” section in WhosOn Data is your new reporting area. It offers the same vast suite of charts and reports that you’re used to, but faster and together in one place.

- • Generate 80 out of the box live chat reports, charts and graphs
- • Select your report categories and the specific topics you’d like stats on
- • Narrow reports by date range, site, or keyword search
- • Get results in seconds, not minutes
- • Export reports as JSON files or other structured data formats
Inside the WhosOn Data portal: historical dashboards
The first part of the “Dashboards” section in your WhosOn Data portal is dedicated to historical chat metrics. This pulls all your key, top-level stats into a compelling visualisation.

- • Access your most valuable headline chat data in one consolidated view
- • Monitor important data at a glance, without needing data analysis expertise
- • Filter the data presented in your dashboard by site, skill, operator and date
- • Choose to include (or omit) bot results along with your human operator data
- • Mouse over graphs for a closer look at the numbers
Inside the WhosOn Data portal: KPI dashboards
The second part of the “Dashboards” section in WhosOn Data focuses on operator KPIs. Here, you can monitor performance – with all your numbers already crunched.

- • View the most useful operator key performance indicators in an efficient graphic format
- • Assess problem areas and promoters through clearly communicated charts and graphs
- • Pull up data on individual operators, for a closer look at each team member’s chat conduct
- • Also pull reports on your bot operators to assess their success
- • Apply additional filters to your dashboard display, such as site, skill, and date range
Part 2: The WhosOn OData API
Our new OData API allows you to access the raw data of WhosOn. With this OData access, your developers can then import data into BI tools or custom dashboards.
So, you’re not limited to the reports inside the WhosOn Data portal. With our OData API, you can also merge data, create your own custom reports, and integrate into third-party reporting systems.
Beyond this unbounded data access, using our OData API also provides you with a flow of data. This means you can create dynamic reports that are updated on the fly.

OData explained
Your developers will already be familiar with OData. It’s a standard that defines a set of best practices for building and consuming RESTful APIs.
In layman’s terms, that means that OData simplifies the querying and sharing of data across separate systems. (Such as smoothly pushing WhosOn data into Power BI, for example.)
Your data can then be reused outside of its silo. In turn, this increases its shared value. So, using OData means your chat data can interoperate with the other applications you use in insightful, powerful ways.
Using the WhosOn OData API for custom reports
One of the best things about OData connectivity is the potential it creates for tailored, responsive reporting.
You can use OData to target the specific pieces of WhosOn information you’d like to track – not just the ones offered as standard. And, with this choice data, you can set up your own reports, spreadsheets, or custom interface displays.
OData works with countless third-party tools – business intelligence systems, CRMs, analytics platforms, or even bespoke in-house applications if you prefer to do your own programming.
And, because your WhosOn data can be frequently queried via OData, you can get your results within minutes of your new data becoming available. So, rather than manually generated data exports, you get dynamic reporting.
Dynamic report opportunities
These dynamic reports can cover any number of areas. For example, you might use the WhosOn OData API to:
- • Merge your contact centre statistics – chat stats, telephony stats, ticketing stats – into a single platform for management teams
- • Track agent activity and KPI metrics in a custom contact centre dashboard, as close to real-time as possible
- • Generate campaign reports connecting the dots between online ad spend and chat engagement
- • Build a staffing forecast system looking at chat traffic, website activity and call volumes over time
- • Create frequency tables of chat requests by type and topic
The opportunities are endless, and we’re happy to consult with your BI team on how best to digest the data.
Using the WhosOn OData API
So, how do you use the WhosOn OData API data on a technical level?
Your BI teams will connect WhosOn into your existing reporting tools, giving them full visibility of live chat within your chosen BI platform.
Using an industry standard connector, you can request data about your team or company performance from our service directly. All without manual input or scheduled daily reports.
And, as mentioned, the data is readily available, and you can build the reports in-house.
Read our developer documentation for full instructions: https://developers.whoson.com/WhosOnODataAPI/
Explore WhosOn Data today
WhosOn Data is an exciting leap forward in our business intelligence offering. Via the web portal, you now have unprecedented data accessibility and ease of data analysis. Then, our OData API allows you to expand further yet on this built-in capacity. So, you can leverage your data however you desire.
Please note that WhosOn Data is only compatible with the latest version of WhosOn. If you’re currently using an older edition of the software, you’ll need to upgrade to access your new features.
As ever, we’re here to help and consult as needed. Please get in touch for assistance with WhosOn Data – whether it’s technical support you need or strategic BI guidance.
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